the cutest little sliders

24 06 2009

krabby patty doppelgänger

So, this post doesn’t really have much substance other than I wanted to share a picture of the cutest sliders I had when I visited the Philippines. I have never seen a burger as cute (I know I need a thesaurus) or tasted one as yummy as these. I don’t even recall the name of the restaurant. It was at this really nice mall called Rockwell in Makati City. Don’t these suckers remind you of Krabby Patties? Spongebob would be proud.

patty in my hand

Here I am holding up the tiny burgers. My brother is pictured here drinking a “frozen hot chocolate” (I know – whaa? …but trust me it was so delicious). So if you are ever in Makati, definitely stop by the mall I mentioned and try to have these sliders!

Happy eating!


i love me some harajuku lovers

16 06 2009

Just in time for summer and the No Doubt concert tour, I found these super cute cherry red patent flats. These shade shoes are the newest addition to my growing Harajuku Lovers cute stuff collection. What can I say? Their shiz is bananas (b-a-n-a-n-a-s). I don’t end up using most of it but I can’t help it when cuteness attacks.

harajuku red flats

I loooove all the cute details. From the shoebox with illustrations of each Harajuku girl, to the soles printed with sunglasses.

harajuku shoe box
harajuku shoe close ups

I went to the No Doubt concert this past Sunday and was happily taken back to the carefree days of the late 90s/early 00s. It helped that Gwen did not look like she aged since her first tour. The concert was awesome! It’s def a must see, even if you just sit on the lawn like I did.

no doubt

holla back,